JavaScript Find method -
var age = 17; function myFunction() { document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = ages.find(ageVal => { return ageVal >= age; }); }
Calling child LWC method from parent -
const child = this.template.querySelector('c-public-method-child'); console.log(JSON.stringify(child)); child.changeSelection(this.city);
Constructor should have super in LWC js -
constructor() { super(); console.log('Parent > Constructor.'); }
Importing and rendering multiple templates in LWC js -
import template1 from './lifecycleChild.html'; import template2 from './template2.html'; render() { console.log('Child > render.'); return this.showTemplate2 ? template2 : template2; }
CustomEvent firing from child to the parent
//Firing the event from the child component var cusEvt = new CustomEvent('mychildevent',{detail:'I am the message from child to parent.',bubbles:true}); this.dispatchEvent(cusEvt);
//Approach1: Handling the event from parent UI - [c-child onmychildevent={handleChildEvent}][/c-child] Note: handleChildEvent is the method in parent
handleChildEvent(event) { console.log(event.detail); }
//Approach2: Handling the event from parent JS - constructor() { super(); console.log('constructor'); this.template.addEventListener('mychildevent',this.handleChildEvent.bind(this)); } Note: When addEventListener is used "bubble:true" should be there in CustomEvent
Pubsub: Application Event Handling -
Download pubsub repository.
Firing the event -
import {fireEvent} from 'c/pubsub'; import { CurrentPageReference } from 'lightning/navigation'; @wire(CurrentPageReference) pageRef; handleClick() { debugger; fireEvent(this.pageRef,'parent2event','I am the event firing from parent2 component.'); //Note: Event Name should be all in small characters and should not have special characters }
Handling the event -
import {registerListener,unregisterAllListeners} from 'c/pubsub'; import { CurrentPageReference } from 'lightning/navigation'; @wire(CurrentPageReference) pageRef; connectedCallback() { console.log('connectedCallback'); registerListener('parent2event',this.handleAppEvent,this); } disconnectedCallback() { console.log('disconnectedCallback'); unregisterAllListeners(this); } handleAppEvent(payload) { console.log('***payload: '+payload); }
Reusable javaScript -
Utility.js -
const add = function(num1,num2) { return num1 + num2; } const substract = function(num1,num2) { return num1 - num2; } const multiply = function(num1,num2) { return num1 * num2; } const divide = function(num1,num2) { return num1 / num2; } export { add, substract, multiply, divide }
calling reusable js functions -
import {add,substract,multiply,divide} from 'c/utility'; constructor() { super(); console.log('add: ',add(200,100)); console.log('sub: ',substract(200,100)); console.log('mul: ',multiply(200,100)); console.log(`Div: ${divide(200,100)}`); }
LDS to get and create records -
import { LightningElement, track, wire } from 'lwc'; import {createRecord,getRecord} from 'lightning/uiRecordApi' const fieldsArray = ['Contact.FirstName','Contact.LastName','Contact.Email','Contact.MobilePhone']; export default class ContactForm extends LightningElement { @track recordId; @wire(getRecord,{recordId:"$recordId", fields: fieldsArray}) contact; firstNameChangeHandler(event) { this.firstName = event.target.value; } lastNameChangeHandler(event) { this.lastName = event.target.value; } emailChangeHandler(event) { this.email = event.target.value; } mobileChangeHandler(event) { this.mobile = event.target.value; } createContact() { debugger; //Field API Names along with the data const fields = { "FirstName" : this.firstName, "LastName" : this.lastName, "Email" : this.email, "MobilePhone" : this.mobile }; var recordInput = { apiName : "Contact", fields }; //Using javaScript promise concept createRecord(recordInput).then(response => { console.log('Record Id: '+response.id); this.recordId = response.id; }).catch(error => { console.log('Error Object: '+JSON.stringify(error)); console.log('Error Message: '+error.body.message); }); } get retFirstName() { debugger; console.log('contact: '+JSON.stringify(this.contact)); if(this.contact.data) { return this.contact.data.fields.FirstName.value; } return undefined; } get retLastName() { debugger; if(this.contact.data) { return this.contact.data.fields.LastName.value; } return undefined; } get retEmail() { debugger; if(this.contact.data) { return this.contact.data.fields.Email.value; } return undefined; } get retMobile() { debugger; if(this.contact.data) { return this.contact.data.fields.MobilePhone.value; } return undefined; } }