New Batch#100 (10th Nov 2021) - Salesforce Admin + Dev Training (WhatsApp: +91 - 8087988044) :

Saturday, 27 February 2016

Sending an email notification to Admin whenever a field is created or deleted for a custom object in salesforce

S.No Component
1 Create New Object
Singular Label: ObjectsExistingFieldsInfo
Plural Label: ObjectsExistingFieldsInfos
Object Name: ObjectsExistingFieldsInfo
Standard Field
Field Label: ObjectsExistingFieldsInfo
Data Type: Auto Number
Display Format: ObjInfo-{000}
2 Create New Field
Object Name: ObjectsExistingFieldsInfo
Field Label: Field API Name
Field Name: Field_API_Name
Data Type: Text (255)
3 Create New Field
Object Name: ObjectsExistingFieldsInfo
Field Label: Fields Count
Field Name: Fields_Count
Data Type: Number (18,0)
4 Create New Field
Object Name: ObjectsExistingFieldsInfo
Field Label: Fields Info
Field Name: Fields_Info
Data Type: Long Text Area
  • We cannot create trigger on 'Object' or 'Field'.
  • Alternative is creating a Batch Class and schedule it as per the requirement.
  • To store the history of the fields we can user either list custom settings or custom object.
  • List Custom Settings is not supporting Text Area Long.
  • To store the history of the fields we need Text Area Long (255 character for text area data type is not sufficient.) field which is possible with the custom object.