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Wednesday, 21 February 2018

Dynamic Input Form from fieldsets with Lightning Component Salesforce

Following component will useful when you want to display the form fields by reading dynamically from the field sets and the following code supporting saving multiple records at a time.


Friday, 16 February 2018

Alternative to ligtning:icon in Lightning Component (Reusable SVG Lighting Component)

Multiple rows with close option should be displayed. On click on close icon beside a specific row it should be cleared. There is a need to give index for the icon if you use lightning:icon you cannot assign dynamic id as aura:id won't support dynamic value.

To achieve the above requirement it should be a html button/ html icon. To should the svg icon without using lighting:icon following approach will be helpful.

Reusable Lighting Component for svg icon -
Usage for the above component -
Go to LightingDesignSystem Website > Icons > save as the icon in IE browser (It should be saved in svg format). You can open the file in note pad and copy the pathd.

Friday, 9 February 2018

Apex Method to convert json format records into List of Sobject Records format

The following method will be useful when you are supplying list of records as input to the Apex Method.

1. Passing List of Sobjects to the Apex Method from the Lightning component is not allowed.
2. you should convert Sobject list by using JSON.stringify(yourSobjects) and the Apex method input should be string.
3. The following method will be useful to convert above json fromat string into List<Sobject>

Please find the following Code -

Thank You,